25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

This piece of art made of handpainted wool. 
I used some green angel hair, 
a few beads and those white cloudes  are small paper pieces.
It is Angel time, isn't it? 

09 November 2011

High tide

oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.7)


25 October 2011

Hello (out of the box)

oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.6)
Small creatures looking out  from a box.
If you ever feel stuck as an artist, just paint small animals like these cutes.
I guarantee that they are cure for the soul and you are  back on track. 

Please click here for  purchase information.

23 October 2011

Last petals of this summer

oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.5)

Last yellow petals. 
How can a small flower like this makes me so grateful 
for the yellows and browns and a dash of greens.
These are magically rare moments.

Please click here for  purchase information.

20 October 2011


oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.4)
Hungry dog appears at the door of my studio in the afternoons. 
She is punctual like a clock tower chasing eye contact.
"You know what I am here for, don't you? 
And I understand.
If I don't, she sits there to make it clear it is time to finish whatever I do.

 The dog happens to be mine.
Not a single word needs for her, I am trained already. 
- - - 
Please click here for  purchase information.

18 October 2011

A real painting

oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.3)

As I showed the first series of small paintings to my father. 
He peered at them longly and said to my mother:
"Now she can paint."
"After 10+ years of silk art and watermedia don't you 
know that your daughter can paint?" -asked my mother. 
"There are a few of her paintings on our walls, can't you see them?"
"No, they are just silks. Real paintings are oil paintings." 

So here it is: a real painting. :-)
- - -
Please click here for  purchase information.

11 October 2011


oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.2)

Please click here for  purchase information.

06 October 2011

Fruit bowl

oil on gessoboard, 15x15 cm, 6x6 in (No.1)

Small painting. My intention to join the community of Daily Paintworks.
So this is my first attempt. 
I hope a new habit is going to form.
A good habit.

- - -
Please click here for  purchase information.

13 July 2011

Blue Bird And Her Friends

A Baby Lock embellisher is a very inspirational toy. 
Look  these creatures were born from thin air... or I want to say... from thin wool.

20 June 2011

Needle Felted Wool

Experiments from colorful wool 

This exotic blue fish lives well on thin air... 

This green heart needs much kindness...
as its heart-shape is a little bit imaginary
It is a bit transparent also... as an open heart is used to be.

And finally some spiralwork with a dash of gold and lilac.

30 March 2011

Deep Deep Blue

Dreaming of holidays
and deep blue seas
as they go together...

So it's no wonder that my newest silk scarf is full of 
blues and full of greens greens and a dash of turquoise...

and bubbles, waves...
Ohh, lovely days by the sea...

06 February 2011


Oil on canvas 14x19 cm 

Avocados... Hmmm... fresh start for a new life. Yummie, isn't it? 

04 February 2011

New Beginnings?

18x24 cm 7x9.5 " Oil on Canvas Panel

A friend of mine started a new life a few weeks ago. 
She changed her eating habits. She lost kilos and gained energy. I see her progress and happiness. 
"Wouldn't it be nice if I change my painting habits?" I thought.
May be it could happen to me as well.
May be I can loose needless "artistic kilos" and gain new energy. 
Let's see... 

How about a fresh new beginning... a  healthy banana day?

10 January 2011

Hello Spring! Wreath Tutorial

Hello spring! Where are you? I am here waiting for you... yes, I know... it's still January...
Well, if you are a little bit impatient, like me...
here is a spring wreath to make....

What you need:
-styrofoam wreath
-handful of wooden flowers
-colorful fabrics
-hot glue

Start with a styrofoam wreath: cut out strips of fabrics and cover the surface of the wreath, you might want to glue the ends of the strips

Cut out small strips of fabrics (mine strips were 2x16 cm,  0.8x6.3")
and make a knot on each in the middle

Hot glue these small strips to the surface of the wreath,
create layers enough to cover the entire front suface,
add the flowers as well 

End result: color and texture for your wall or door.